Saturday, August 20, 2011

Follower Series: Shana

I've always found interesting new blogs by looking through the lists of followers and commenters, not only on my own site, but the sites of others. I thought that I would do a monthly profile of the followers and commenters of Apple Valley so that others can see some of the other great blogs that are out there. I only chose the sim related blogs of followers and commenters (no personal or non-sim blogs) and of course there are many followers and commenters that do not have a personal blog.
This month, I'm profiling


Shana has a sim's related blog called Pine Hollow.

Pine Hollow is a TS2 and TS3 blog. Pine Hollow began in February 2008 as a Sims 2 blog. It started with four original families–the Gates, the Smiths, the Craigs, and the Lloyds. In April 2011, the hood migrated to Sims 3 with the same families due to computer issues. The blog features updates into the lives of the families during rounds and there are plenty of sidebar links to help you navigate the site.


  1. I didn't get a chance to thank you for featuring me because I was on vacation and then had to deal with the hurricane when I got back, so I wanted to say a late thank you!! :)


Thanks for reading and commenting!


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